Wednesday 12 February 2014

Art dedicated to the Public Domain: Fragile Good Will

There is not going to be any new historical material entering the Public Domain until 2019. Meanwhile when ever an artist uses a public domain image and alters it they remove those variations from the Public Domain into the world of private intellectual property.

The changes made need to be only as small as to add a top hat and a moustache onto the Mona Lisa. The unfairness is highlighted, when you consider adding a top hat and a moustache onto Mickey Mouse. Who do you think could get away with that?

So why is there such a difference? Why are the interests of commercial entities so much for powerful than the interests of the Public, that is every single on of us. This is a question to which I am searching for an answer. 

I wanted to address the balance and give something back to the world by donating some of my images to the public domain. To this day I have done so with one image, titled Sky Hare.

I would do so with more of my designs, if it were not for one concern. Any artist who alters "Sky Hare," even if they only colour him in, can automatically claim copyright to him, essentially even stopping me from using a coloured version him in my art work. That is how fragile my donation to the world is.

There are ways to protect the image, but they all involve holding onto the copyright and essentially licensing the work to the world. These are avenues I intend to explore with my other designs, but meanwhile I shall track the progress of "Sky Hare" and see how long he can survive in his new ever diminishing habitat. 

Stealing of the Common Hare.

The law protects the man or woman
Who poaches the Hare of the common
It shelters the villain who does not share
To leave the common to lack a Hare

The law demands that we atone
when we copy things we do not own
But leaves the lords and ladies fine
Who takes things yours and mine

The poor think that they do not dare
without lawyers that Hare to share.
This may be so for they must endure
Those who conspire the law to sure.

The law protects the man or woman
Who poaches the Hare off the common
And the common will then lack a Hare
Till we say no and bring it back to share.

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